A non profit legal collective for victims of domestic violence and legal abuse. We are the first legal collective to offer full legal representation to survivors of domestic violence and legal abuse. We are not a legal resource we are legal representation
Domestic violence starts with verbal emotions, phycial, psycholical, and financial abuse but it doesnt stop there. Many people feel “once you leave” its over.
Flight needs two web sites to promote both the magazine and sponsored events. An Internet Presence: Flight Magazine needs an e-commerce web site. Event Promotion: Flight Worlds needs a web site to promote the events. Cost effective: Flight needs a professional and affordable solution.
Flight has the opportunity to work with Cyber Sea, Inc. to create a combined web that leverages both companies existing material.
As active members in the sport of hydrofoiling we understand the sport and have accumulated a large collection of extreme hydrofoiling media. We are also experts in the creation of all media and materials required for the project including but not limited to web site design, e-commerce and photography. We recommend using our production team to handle the creation of both sites.
Ending abusive litigations by expanding access to highquality legal representation for financially constrained mothers affected by intimate partner violence and the risk of losing custody of their children.