Lady Liberty Legal protects the legal rights of domestic violence survivors by providing top-tier legal services designed to take financial pressure and emotional stress off women trying to escape abusive relationships and start anew. While most legal nonprofits geared toward abuse survivors provide only legal resources geared toward pro se (self) representation, our nonprofit legal collective is the first organization of its kind to offer full legal representation of victims of domestic violence.
We aim to end the cycle of LEGAL ABUSE for survivors of domestic violence.
Ending abusive litigations by expanding access to highquality legal representation for financially constrained mothers affected by intimate partner violence and the risk of losing custody of their children
One monthly fee for full legal representation
Apply for Legal Grant e high quality legal representation at $100/ hour
Provide ProBono legal representation
Ending abusive litigations by expanding access to highquality legal representation for financially constrained mothers affected by intimate partner violence and the risk of losing custody of their children.